Sunday, 30 November 2014


nice & cool start to the day at 20`c at 7:30am, it's now 26`c almost midday, it's clouding over as i type, a strong breeze is blowing also.
every week i go down to our local market grounds to help out with; weeding, planting, re-potting & organizing seeds etc. we also have a flourishing vegetable garden which supplies our sunday markets, i sometimes buy our own as well as other vegies.  

also trying to get some knitting done, currently working on a cardigan for my daughter who is in england, the pattern & wool i bought from our australian bendigo woollen mills, (once i work out how to do more with the blog i will get photos up) have completed the back & just started both fronts together, this way they will both be the same.

hope everyone has had a great weekend

thanx for visiting 

Friday, 28 November 2014

first steps...


well this is all new to me, blogging that is, i read many of them & think most should write a book! guess it will become easier the more i do.
the reason for my blog name?  i love cats, love the country & love cottages, old queenslanders also fall into this category.