Friday, 20 January 2017

gotta love country living ...

a couple of nights ago (1am-ish) i was heading for my shower & just when i was about to put my PJs on the basin something made me look down & before i knew it i was back out of the bathroom & halfway up the stairs, there on the floor was a huge snake! it was all dark & blurry (no glasses on) not knowing what type, i quickly raced back for my glasses (grabbed the phone too) it was proceeding back into the tub, a Night Python, only a small one at approximately 4-5' my heart was still pounding as i was trying to get a photo of it

disappearing in behind the wall in the bathroom
once my heart stopped racing & i settled down i proceeded with my shower, i couldn't get to sleep that night. 
it appeared the following day, late in the arvo looking a bit like it had had a feed with it's middle looking rather fat. 

next day think it got too hot inside the wall, see it's fat middle section?

well that was enough excitement for me for one week, i decided to close the kitchen door & leave the back door open so it could find it's way out. as far as i can tell it has gone. 
last year i kept getting carpet snakes in one of the water dishes, so i stopped having the dish there. there are plenty of rodents around here & is why they get attracted, have rats in the roof too, hopefully it got to those before it left.

been excruciatingly humid & hot here, expecting storms. hope everyone is keeping cool or warm in your neck of the world

thanx for visiting


  1. Oh dear me Selina...that would have freaked me out! We have rats here too as we have macadamia nut trees and DH keeps birds. There are probably snakes around but I don't want to know if there are :-)

    1. yes it did freak me out, at least it one of the 'good' ones, if it'd been a brown i would've been in trouble

  2. Oh my! I am so squeamish when it comes to snakes! The only ones we have found here were three little baby Bullheads. They were outside under a piece of plywood and I was half expecting to find a snake there so was prepared. We have Bald Eagles and various types of hawks, so the snake population is not high. What they hunt for is grabbed up by the birds first!

  3. OMG I'd have never had a shower again! Not the kind of excitement I like!!!!

  4. I thought having a snake in my laundry was bad enough...but in the bathroom?? Arghhh! 😥 I can relate to having to get the specs back on, to check things out! Lol

  5. Oh my gosh, Selina. We have snakes here (whip snakes and carpet pythons) but none that have ever tried to share the bathroom! Good thinking to get your glasses and the phone:) Meg

  6. Eeek I don't think I would like that visitor in my house! Its bad enough knowing there are spiders waltzing around my place at night.

    He is probably better than the deadly ones we have here though. Ours are attracted by the mice in the chook house, and we usually have a couple a year turn up. Mind you, we haven't seen any yet this season. Maybe they don't like the humid weather we are having.


  7. Oh my goodness Selina - my heart was actually pounding quite loudly as I was reading this post & seeing your pics. How scarey - I am so glad we dont get snakes over here !!! I hope it doesnt decide to return to your home. Take care.

  8. Not know much about snake. Here in Idaho we have small rubber boa and garder snake usual up to 12 inches.
    Found your blog though Down to earth if you fine the time stop in for a cup of coffee.

    1. thanx for stopping by, yes i did have a peak at your blog too

  9. Nothing like a snake sighting inside, makes the heart pump.
