Tuesday, 24 March 2015


remember this ?

same picture
 part of my front yard is under construction, with the cosmos being removed & seeds being planted of zinnias & silverbeet, parsley & alyssum & violets, hoping they will all come up. the silverbeet i'm planting about 6 at a time, as soon as they come up up i'll plant another 6, etc, have 5 different varieties! reds, rainbows & greens.

this actually looks awesome in life, camera isn't doing it justice here
 this duranta is in need of a good pruning, but it's as bright as the sunshine, pity i couldn't get it to show in the photo, it is also covered in flowers again with lots of insects humming around them

Bromeliad logs
this is the bromeliad & logs that i would like to extend & make bigger, might even try to put a shallow dish here for water (short version of a bird bath) for the critters. will post pictures when i do more to it, there are still some cosmos near here that need to be pulled out & a few plants pruned (African daisys for one) 

white grevillea  has just started flowering
last but not least this flowering beauty is down the back near the chook shed on my west side, the trees here have all been in close to 2 years now & the last lot of rains have really given them all a good boost for growing as they have all literally doubled in size since xmas & they are all looking really good.

just a few works in progress from my garden.

thanx for visiting


  1. Love your garden pictures. Look forward to seeing what you do with the logs.

  2. I do remember that first photo. I love those flowers, so pretty. Your garden bed will look lovely when all your new plants shoot up. The Duranta's are great for the wildlife aren't they?

    1. they sure are, the other half of the garden, is all full of zinnias dying down, they were getting tiny nectar feeding birds on them, was fascinating to watch them. the heat is keeping everything slow am so hoping the weather will cool down.

  3. We have heaps of bromeliads here, Selina. DH used to pick them up at garage sales. Then he went to one where a lady was getting rid of all her bromeliads and at the end of the day they didn't all sell so she rang DH up and asked him if he would like them. So nice of her.

    1. wow, what a score that was, i only have a few here now, wish i had more trees to put them on, they look so cool climbing up the trunks.

  4. Your garden is truly wonderful Selina - you seem so relaxed and knowledgeable about plants and gardening. I love gardening but I am not a natural green thumb.

    1. a natural green thumb? don't think i'm one of those either, i came into gardening when pregnant with my first, i got banned from lifting heavy horse feed buckets & bales of hay! i was so bored, got into knitting & started to learn about the gardens my friend had growing around the house, also their herb garden intrigued me too. never did anything remotely gardening before then.
      so, my advice to you is just dig into it, you learn as you grow :))

  5. Great idea to succession plant the silver beet Selina. I'm bad at this and often have a glut or a famine!! Great idea to mix it up in the garden too. Confuses the bugs.
