i have finished one sock in the BWM Pastel multi & i'm quite pleased with it, got all the decreasing right, 14sts on either side YAY! i kept the stitch markers in from when i did the gusset, swapped one out to a different colour & away i went!
even on top & bottom |
then it came to do the kitchener stitch, not my favourite sewing by far, i do have a really easy YouTube tutorial that i have saved & she keeps it so simple!
I got near perfect toe this time! i was so chuffed! |
i have cast on the second sock & hopefully it goes as smooth as the 1st, i just had to share my 'success'.
will post more photos when i have finished the pair.
my DD1 rang me Friday & asked if i would make her some dish cloths for her fund raiser at the end of the month, of cos i said yes, so i've been madly knitting those since friday. photos when have a pile.
last night DD1 texted me with another request, to save a beautiful tortoiseshell cat that was up in Rockhampton pound on death row, ughhh how could i not? she had got herself caught in one of those cage traps & they discovered she has/had a litter of kittens somewhere but they couldn't find them, so sad, poor thing. well anyway she is on her way down here & will stay with my daughter til she is desexed & microchipped. i have a photo which i'll post when i get it off my phone.
goodness & i still don't have a fence up & now i'm about to have 3 cats!
i would like to one day help out with foster care for cats, there is such a need for it, so many rescuers are full & so many of the foster carers are overbrimming as well. i think giving them up will be the hardest thing lol i'll want to keep them all!
BJ still chases Rita when outside but is getting more friendly with her inside (about time!) how she is going to handle another cat? only time will tell, maybe she'll like this one? fingers crossed!
hope everyone is keeping safe over in your neck of the world
thanx for visiting